what did we associate

on thursday i walked into the PEARL PAINT here in chicago

(225 W. Chicago Ave, Chicago IL 60654
312 915 0200
store hours: mon - sat 9:00 - 7:00 sunday 12:00 - 5:00)

and felt at home

i couldn't believe the strange sensation of feeling at ease and familiar simply because i was in an art store (and a pearl paint too) again.

and i had the notion that parsons only had me stressed, strung out and tense. apparently i subconsciously associate art stores not with (as i would assume and still very consciously do) deadlines, rushing work, frantically gathering supplies and worrying about expenses on materials - but with being secure, comfortable and belonging.

side note//blogspot layout temporarily dysfunctional as what should be on the left hand side next to blog posts is currently on the left hand side at the bottom beneath them. trying to figure it out.